How An Error In The“Create-React-App” Might Have Blown My Chance Of Landing a Job

How An Error In The“Create-React-App” Might Have Blown My Chance Of Landing a Job

Hello guys, it has been a while since I posted but hopefully am back fully and will try my best to be more consistent with my post or content on this platform. Today I will be talking about how an error in the “create-react-app” might have blown the chances of me landing the job as a junior developer in a firm. It was hurtful but I also learned something from the experience. I had an online oral interview with the recruiter where he asked me a few questions about JavaScript, reactjs, and nextjs but I was not familiar with nextjs so my answers were not too convincing and he corrected me whenever I made such mistakes but I did well in JavaScript and reactjs. So after the oral interview, I was given a simple task to create a simple TODO app using a react app without any backend and was given four (4) hours to submit the task. In my mind, this was a simple task that I can complete in less than 2 hours, so I was set to start. I turned on my computer, created a new folder, and named it todo-list, then I opened the folder with the VS CODE installed in my system, then clicked on the view option showing at the top left side of my screen, then proceeded to click a new terminal and a new terminal was opened at the bottom of the screen. After the terminal was set I typed “npx create-react-app todo-list” it started loading and after some minutes all I could see on my screen was something like this “npm ERR! code ENOENT npm ERR! syscall open npm ERR! path C:\Users*\Desktop\project-6/package.json npm ERR! errno -4058 npm ERR! enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C: \Users*\Desktop\project-6\package.json' npm ERR! enoent This is related to npm not being able to find a file. npm ERR! enoent npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! C:\Users***\AppData\Local\npm-cache_logs\2022-10-12T11_03_40_357Z-debug-0.log”
I didn't understand at first and I thought it was a network problem, I checked my network connection and everything was good then I typed clear and hit the enter button and everything in the terminal was cleared in the terminal and then I repeated the “npx create-react-app todo-list” and after a while, the same thing appeared on my screen at this point I began to panic because it was the first time I was experiencing it, so I tried to google the solution and I saw a hint on and then I tried to apply the method. The solution was to update the npm in my system which I didn’t know was outdated so I updated my npm to the recent version by typing “npm update –g” and then after a while I typed “npx create-react-app todo-list” and this time it worked perfectly and at this point, I had about 2 hours to submit the task and I began to feel uneasy within myself, the pressure was getting to me. So I set to work and I began to write the code and everything was going fine before I could finish the project power was interrupted and I almost started crying because I knew I couldn’t meet up with the deadline. So I just gave up and was lamenting within myself. Hours passed before the power was restored and I tried to finish the app and was successful. I finished the project and uploaded it to my GitHub before I emailed the link to the recruiter ( As of the time of writing this article, I haven’t gotten any feedback from the recruiter but I’m still hopeful of receiving positive feedback from the firm. I hope you enjoyed my story and learned a few things from it. I am still open to any job opportunity available, in my next post I’ll be sharing with you guys how I built a movie app using react. Thank you.